When you buy a co-op you don’t technically buy (or own) the yacht. Instead, you buy shares in a Saveene Corporation that owns the yachts. The bigger your membership, the more shares you own.
While the number of shares you own will affect your maintenance fees, and owning more shares does not mean you can monopolize all yacht-related decisions. Typically, each shareholder has an equal say in how the co-op is run and maintained. Members typically vote on any decision that affects the yachts; you can also elect certain members as board members who carry out the group’s wishes and handle other nitty-gritty details in more depth, with Saveene management.
In effect, in buying a co-op, you forfeit some of the freedom you might have if, say, you bought a yacht 100% with its own title. As such, co-ops come with unique advantages.
As a co op owner you’ll have guaranteed regular access to your yacht using Saveene online scheduling system. The system gives you the opportunity to design your own boating calendar; to make instant reservations for current openings or to plan an outing a year in advance. You can go boating on the weekends, during the week, overnight, for the day or just for a few hours. Whenever you like!
Fractional Yacht Ownership is a new generation of style and service which costs 3 x less than a yacht charter and 5x less than whole yacht ownership. Saveene offers extraordinary yachts within the financial reach of ordinary consumers.
Saveene is Transforming the World of Yachting through Fractional Yacht Ownership.
Making Yachting Highly Affordable & Saving Members Millions.